Electronic Signatures

How DocuWare electronic signatures ensures the authenticity of important business information?

The document is sent directly from the workflow to an external Trust Service Provider for advanced or qualified signing. Once the identity has been verified and the document signed, it is automatically sent back to DocuWare.

Electronic Signatures with DocuWare

Sign documents with an electronic signature and ensure the authenticity of important business information. With a qualified electronic signature, your documents are legally binding and meet current security requirements.

In the modern office, electronic signatures are now a normal part of day-to-day business. This is a good thing: electronic signatures (sometimes called “digital signatures”) reduce paper usage and simplify your secure document workflow

DocuWare Signature Service ensures that your documents are digitally signed by a verified Trust Service Provider.

DocuWare Signature Service offers your business maximum speed and flexibility with digital signatures:

Know-how: Signature procedures and security level​

Three security levels are available

Signatures differ in their security level. The typed name under an email or a DocuWare stamp are examples of a simple signature. An advanced signature must be encrypted, with part of the key accessible only to the signer. In the case of a qualified signature, the identity of the signer is additionally verified with a certificate deposited with a trust service provider.

To sign documents in a DocuWare workflow, DocuWare offers the possibility to embed the any signature provider such as Validated ID, DocuSign and Adobe Sign.

The signature procedures offer the following options:

technology laptop mobile documents


When a document is sent to the signature provider in a workflow, the responsible employee receives a message and releases the signature from the smartphone, for example, using an SMS code.



A customer signs on a tablet. Biometric data such as writing pressure and speed are recorded and embedded with the signature in the document (list of supported devices).



The user deposits a certificate with the signature provider once, which confirms his or her identity.

Ready to reduce paper usage and simplify your secure document workflow?

Book a consultation to find out how your organisation can better manage your processes to save time and money as well as increase efficiency.